

Photography helps me see.  The act of slowing down to compose a photograph gives me the chance to appreciate what’s around me.  I currently am shooting medium format film and micro 4/3rds and medium format digital.

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2 thoughts on “About

  1. mollywoodward

    Hi Phil,
    I’m an editor at Heyday (www.heydaybooks.com) a small, nonprofit publisher in Berkeley, CA. I tried using your contact form but it wasn’t working; kept taking me to a photo of you!

    We have a series of books for young children about endangered and threatened animals, and are making one about mountain lions. I found your great photo of a mountain lion leaping through the snow on Flickr, and wanted to reach out and see if you might give us permission to use it in the book. You can write me at molly@heydaybooks.com. Thank you!


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